Saturday, April 9, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: compromise

            For days now, legislators have been negotiating the budget. And finally, at the eleventh hour, they reached a compromise.  A last minute deal averted a federal government shut down and cut billions in spending. 
            Life is full of compromises.  We compromise leisurely days for work days to enjoy the benefits of a regular paycheck.  We trade our hard earned money for groceries and other needed goods.  We agree to pay taxes and in return, benefit from good roads and highways. Then there are personal compromises.  “If you will do the dishes, I’ll take you to the movies” we say to our children.  “I’ll make dinner, if you mow the lawn” we say to our spouses.
            God makes compromises with us, too.  They are called covenants.  God agrees to something, and we agree to something.  God made a covenant with Abraham in which God promised to bless his descendants and make them His own special people.  In return, Abraham was to remain faithful to God.  
            Sometimes in our desperation, we try to make deals with God.  “If you will get me out of this jam, I promise I will go to church every Sunday.”  God knows that we are probably not going to keep our end of the bargain, but God is good and helps us out anyway.  At least some of the time.
            Some of the time, though, our prayers are not answered.  The negotiations break down.  In the end we learn that we cannot bargain with God.  God is going to have God’s way and we are best served by yielding to God.  It’s a hard lesson to learn.

Friday, April 8, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: the rest

            Rest is a good thing.  I usually take Friday’s off, but for the last few months, it hasn’t happened.  (Waa,waa, waa….  most of you all out there work much harder and longer than I do … so I guess I shouldn’t whine.) 
            I cherish my time off – and need it to regroup and unwind.  So I have longed for a day to just do nothing.  You know, one of those days when you sleep until you wake up and then go back to sleep some more.  A day when the coffee pot stands idle until late in the morning.  A day when the phone doesn’t ring.  I need one of those days occasionally just for my mental health.  Today I was able to take that day just for me.
            But as I relish this day, I know that for some of my parishioners, it is a day that is more common than not.  Those who sit for long periods of time without company in their rooms at home, or homes away from home are probably thinking, what is so great about a day with nothing to do?  What is so great about sleeping or having a phone that doesn’t ring?
            I guess it always looks greener …. It’s about liking what we have, not having what we like that makes us happiest.  So, I am going to be grateful today for nothing to do; and grateful, too, when I have too much to do.  And I will try to be content no matter what. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: Minamisoma

            “We learned we are not alone.”  The mayor of the town of Minamisoma, Japan spoke those words after seeing the results of a you tube video recording he made describing the desperate situation in his devastated town.  Minamisoma was struck by the earthquake, then the tsunami, then the threat of nuclear radiation from the damaged reactor situated near the town.  Only 20,000 of the over 75,000 residents remain and they are instructed to stay inside because of the danger of radiation.
            The video, recorded on a camcorder and posted on March 26, has been seen by over 200,000 viewers all over the world.  Now, nearly two weeks later, the city hall is still receiving phone calls for assistance with their struggles.  Hundreds of boxes of food and other supplies have been sent by individuals and nonprofit organizations. 
            Jesus said, “Ask and you shall receive.”   I believe that it is true -- and not only on a spiritual basis.  When the need is made known, usually the help arrives.  As the founder of Habitat for Humanity, Millard Fuller, once said, “You get more by asking than by not asking.”
            I think that it is our human nature to want to help.  So, if you are in need of help today, ask.  Ask your friends, your family, your neighbors, your church.  Ask your God.  The help may come from the strangest direction.  But I bet it will come.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: afterlife

            Paul Simon has released a new album called “So Beautiful or So What”.  A video of the tract “The Afterlife” is already out.  It’s an interesting tune that explores what it would be like in the first moments we got to heaven.  I guess that is something that we think about as we get older.  And Paul Simon is getting older. 
            Something else we think about as we get older is our financial condition and our budget.  A recent survey said that 44% of baby boomers do not feel that they have enough saved to retire.  The common solution seems to be to cut the household budget and to work longer.  Cutting the budget is something the federal government also wants to do right now.  In fact, the disagreement is so strong that there is a possibility that no compromise will be reached and that the federal government could shut down for a time.  My guess is that will not happen, that in the end a compromise will be made and life will go on.
            That is something we learn as we grow older, life will go on.  A friend of mine lost his political office and had to move to another state to gain employment.  He announced today that he and his family had closed on a new home in his new state.  Thankfully, his life and his career will continue to do good for those around him.
            Paul Simon may be thinking about heaven. But for most of us still here on earth, jobs may come and go, budgets may grow or shrink, politicians can agree or disagree, but life does go on.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: songs

            You can learn a lot about a person by asking them what their favorite line from their favorite song is:  their age, their culture, their politics, their religion.  Someone I know is starting a t-shirt line that will have designs based upon musical lyrics.  I know, in some ways, it’s not original at all.  We have all seen t-shirts with lines like “let it be” and “hard days night”.  (Am I dating myself by quoting old Beetles tunes?) 
            I have been asking my friends what their favorite line is.  One friend on facebook said, “that that don’t kill me will make me stronger,” which is one of my favorites, too. “Dance by the light of the moon” was mentioned.  Taylor Swift is always good for that kind of thing – “why ya gotta be so mean?” is memorable.  Then there’s Lady Gaga’s: “don’t be a drag, just be a queen.” 
            It would be great to hear from you about what your favorite line from your favorite song is.  I bet there are folks out there who can quote lyrics to the oldies but goodies, like, “if I could put time in a bottle” and “diamonds are a girl’s best friend.” 
            Religious lyrics that have a faith message are always good:  “my God is an awesome God,” and “his eye is on the sparrow and I know he watches me” come to mind.  But I am only tapping the surface of all the lyrics and lines of songs throughout the ages. 
            Do you have a memorable musical line that sticks with you? What is your favorite?  Let me know, you never can tell, you might win free t-shirt!

Monday, April 4, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: quitting

            This morning it is pouring down rain as I write.  The thunder is rolling and I have no idea what I could possibly say today.  Since I got a late start, I am thinking of just not doing my blog.  I mean, after all, what would it matter?  There are folks who tell me that they read my blog every day and look forward to it.  But they are mostly friends and family so I am sure they would understand.
            Then I check my email and see that my daughter has sent a blog forward to me.  She rarely does that, so I decide to open it up.  As it turns out, it is a piece by Baron Batch ( 
            Here is what he writes:  “The easiest thing in the world to do is quit on something.  Quitting takes zero effort.  Quitting can even be justified with excuses and legitimate reasons at times.  When someone quits at something they can even lie to themselves by saying that what they quit on wasn’t important.  To those people with that mentality this is what I have to say.  If it was important enough to start, it is important enough to finish.  Don’t quit.  Hold on, cling to what is yours until your fingers cramp; and once your fingers cramp switch hands.”
            I could say more about quitting, but I think Baron has said it all.  So I’ll close today by saying thank you to Baron for his inspiring piece and thank you to my daughter for not quitting on me. 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: status

            I’ve been wondering about all the status questions on facebook.  You know, the ones where it asks what your first car was or the name of your first grade teacher.  Has it occurred to anyone beside me that those are the same questions that are used for password security?  If I put the name of my pet on the internet, does it make me vulnerable to hackers who are trying to steal my bank account and my identity?  Am I being paranoid?
            I guess I just don’t like all the invasions of my privacy.  Sure, it’s just among “friends” – but still, I have to ask, “Who else is watching?”
            Wonder what would happen if we all started making up answers  -- like “my first date’s name was Walter Klugenfelter?  My best friend in first grade’s name was Adeliene Edepine?  My mother’s maiden name is: Satchmo.    It might be fun!  Or how about a game that asks, “What is your favorite identity question? 
            These questions are designed to ask things that only you or someone very close to you might know.  But if we post them on facebook, then a whole world of people (some of them not very nice) will have access to that information.  And that is a pretty scary thought. 
            I don’t want to be a Debbie Downer, but as for me, I am playing these games and answering these questions very cautiously.  Everyone out there just might not be my “friend” after all. 