Sometimes you just have to punt. It’s like this: Tomorrow is Sunday and I have my sermon all ready. Or so I thought. The Scripture is the one about the lady who asks Jesus to heal her daughter. Jesus basically tells her no, but the woman persists by saying that even dogs get the crumbs from their Master. So Jesus relents and blesses the woman and heals her daughter. Simple? Maybe not.
This is a passage about Jesus seeming to be mean. And we don’t like Jesus to be mean. We want him nice and kind and gentle. Sometimes we need him to be that way; like when someone in the congregation dies, and the family needs to be comforted.
So, tomorrow is not such a good day to preach on that passage. That’s because a beloved lady from our church died from a very vicious form of cancer. It happened last night. Fortunately, I have all of today to come up with something to comfort and encourage the congregation; it won’t be easy, but I want to find a way to console our church family.
That’s how it is sometimes. We make our plan, but God has another idea. Things change and what seemed to work before just doesn’t anymore. So we punt. We step back, review our options and go with what will give us another chance.
If things aren’t working out in your life right now, maybe there’s a reason. Maybe God is nudging you in a different direction. Maybe you should step back and punt.