Thursday, November 25, 2010

thoughts on the news of the day: pardon me

            “Pardon me”…. That’s what Apple and Cider would have said if they could have spoken to President Obama at the annual pardoning ceremony for two Thanksgiving turkeys at the White House.  Apple and Cider are the names of the two lucky fowl who will live a life of luxury for the rest of their days because the President says so.
            Forgiven is what we all want to be.  We want someone important to say that what we did is not that bad and that it’s OK if we just try harder next time.  Most of the time we have to ask for forgiveness to get it.  And that’s where the rub comes in.  We are usually too proud or too embarrassed to ask to be pardoned for our sins.
            Catholics have a tradition of the sacrament of reconciliation.  The idea is that we confess our sins and receive forgiveness for them.  Usually some sort of penance is required.  Many folks think that only God can really forgive our sins and that an intermediary is not required.  But whether you ask forgiveness through someone else or not, it is always a healing action to take.
            Today is Thanksgiving Day.  It is usually a time when we reflect upon the many blessings we have been given over the past year.  Maybe this year we could be thankful that we are forgiven; that though we are not perfect, we have been eternally pardoned for our imperfections.  All we have to do is ask.


  1. Ah, and the really gracious part comes in that we are given the wherewithal to ask! Thanks for your comments Nancy, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  2. Thanks for the comment, Jim--and happy thanksgiving to you and Debbie too!!
