Tuesday, January 18, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: more kindness

            It’s a true story you will probably read soon in your email inbox.  It will have an Fw. in front of it and you will almost delete it before you read it.  It goes something like this:
            A three year old toddler was murdered by the mother’s live in boyfriend but the child was placed on life support in order for the organs to be harvested.  The grandfather of the child desperately wanted to be at the daughter’s side when the machines were turned off and booked a flight in order to get there in time.  Finding himself at the mercy of long lines and security issues, he realized he would be late in boarding the flight.  Most likely he would miss it.  No one at the airport seemed to be sympathetic to his plight.  But when he arrived at the gate, to his amazement and relief, the pilot of the flight met him at the plane and said that he needn’t worry, the plane wasn’t going anywhere until they boarded it.  In a bold act of kindness, the pilot risked reprimand but had held the plane for take off until the grieving grandfather had arrived. 
            Kindness is what we do.  We think that acts of kindness are unusual and random, but really kindness is what we are made to do.  Our Spirits were given certain traits such as faithfulness, joy and patience, and being kind is listed among them.  Birds sing, flowers grow, and humans are kind. It’s just the way it is.  So, today, be who you are, be kind!


  1. You can read the original story at www.elliot.org

  2. "Birds sing, flowers grow, and humans are kind. It’s just the way it is."

    Nice turn of phrase, Nancy!
