Sunday, February 6, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: sabbaticals

            I got asked a question today by my computer: “If your company gave one year sabbaticals, what would you do with your time?”  Funny it should ask that question because in my profession, six month sabbaticals are actually given to folks who have served a church for 7 consecutive years. 
            If I were given a sabbatical tomorrow, I would probably come down to the Texas Hill country for a year and work in my daughter’s junior high public school as some sort of volunteer helping the kids there.  The first reason I would like to do this is rather selfish: I would get to spend some quality time with my daughter.  But second, I would do it because I love working with kids, something I don’t get to do that much in our retirement community.  And third, it would help the public schools of Texas right now, which are hurting because of the legislative cutbacks.
            But then, again, I am not sure I would leave my present occupation and situation at all.  I love my job, the people I work with, and I get to do lots of good anyway, so there wouldn’t be much need to change anything at all.
            What would you do if you had a year off? Would you do something good for someone else?  Would you write that book you have always wanted to write?  Would you just vacation the year away, resting and relaxing from the stress of a lifetime of work? 
            And the big question is, why aren’t you doing some of that today?

1 comment:

  1. Great line of thought, there, Nancy: "But wait! I'm doing good now!" Illustrates a failing I (and probably most of us) sometimes have: the idea that "the grass is always greener..."

    Sometimes upon reflection, it's pretty green right where we are! THANKS for pointing that out! Smiles.
