Wednesday, June 1, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: archaeology

            The Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt has more secrets inside.  A robotic device recently found markings inside a secret chamber that had been hidden for over 4,500 years deep in the tunnels of the Pyramid.  A camera that fit through a tiny hole in a stone wall was used to make the pictures.  Archaeologists are not sure yet what the markings mean, but they are hoping to discover what they signify and why the ancient Egyptians built the tunnels. 
            Archaeology is not dead; explorers of ancient ruins still have plenty of work to do.  All that is here on earth has not been discovered yet and the mysteries of the world continue to unfold.
            I recently went to a seminar where the presenter suggested that we do our own archaeology work on ourselves and our family systems.  In my case, this spilt over into my church family.  It is true, we can learn a lot by digging around in the history of our family tree.  Patterns emerge.  Thing like: succeeding generations of Pastors – or alcoholics. Interesting things like a love of cars or entrepreneurial talents are passed along for generations.  In our own governing body, our leaders for the past three generations have all been named Bill. 
            Why is this important? It is important because we can learn lots about ourselves by learning where we came from.  Those secret tunnels of our lives need to be explored so that we can more fully live out who we are.
            Dig a little, learn a lot!

1 comment:

  1. Really nice thoughts. I enjoy each day. One little bit of additional information on patterns. Our presbytery has had four leaders named Bill. Before Bill Henning was Bill McLean. Interesting.
