Sunday, January 23, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: clutter

            What clutters your house?  What clutters your workplace?  An article I just read lists 18 things you can get rid of today.  They are things like odd kitchen utensils and coffee mugs, old electronic gadgets like cell phones, and unused clothes and toys.  Doesn’t take a brainiac to figure that out, huh?  We all have stuff we probably don’t need anymore: books we never read, magazines gathering dust, vases once filled with valentine bouquets we have little use for now.  I try to de-clutter my home every once in a while, it simplifies my life and I like that.
            But I also ask myself what clutters my spiritual life.  Do I have a drawer full of resentments smoldering somewhere?  Has that left over guilt got me going again?  And what about all that sadness that seems to gather dust in the recesses of my mind?  I need to go through all that every once in a while and let it go.
            Getting rid of guilt and resentments is a good thing; especially if it’s been around awhile.  Like a can of expired condensed milk, it can sour and make life pretty miserable when it’s opened back up. So I try and take a spiritual inventory of all that stuff; I decide what I will let go of and what I need to work on.  If I need to say I’m sorry, I try to do it as quickly as possible.  And I pray.  That always seems to help. 
            But then …. maybe I’m oversimplifying?


  1. Nice writing, using the illustrations. Oversimplifying? hmmmm...the part about spiritual inventory is hard because of our own blindness to ourselves. Being able to see ourselves would be a good first step -- at least for me ! THANKS, Nancy! ♥

  2. I always appreciate your comments, Clay! Thanks!
