Saturday, January 29, 2011

thougths on the news of the day: Egypt's internet

            Last night the internet died.  The Egyptian government shut down the country’s internet a little after midnight in an effort to curb protests against President Hosni Murbarak’s nearly 30 year rule.   Experts say that this amazing feat could never happen in the United States because we have so many internet servers; but it makes you think, what if the internet suddenly disappeared?
            My dependence on the internet has caused me to pretty much get rid of my dictionary, my thesaurus, my phone book and most of my research library.  Facebook is my favorite form of communication and email is second.  Even this blog exists because I check the news each morning on the internet and then write a few paragraphs that are distributed through my blogsite, our church website and several online newspapers.  But that’s me.
            Our church is thinking about sending our newsletter electronically.  Most churches have done it that way for years; but our folks have kinda dragged their feet.  Amazingly, we have a few church leaders who don’t even have internet; it’s not because they can’t afford it, they just choose not to use it.  I expect we will have a little opposition even now to going paperless but mailing the newsletter has just become cost prohibitive.
            So, while some protesters in Egypt are forced to curtail the information flow of their opposition to their leaders rule, some of our folks object to being forced to use the internet to communicate with our church.   It’s a crazy world we live in.


  1. You could do a both/and. At one church I served, we had the newsletters available, addressed and ready to send except for the stamp, at the church on the Sunday before mailing. Everyone picked theirs up (or theirs and their neighbor's), then we mailed the leftovers. You could have the paper version for those who don't have internet and let them pick it up at the church.

  2. Thanks for the suggestion!
    I think our plan is to have them available in the narthex for folks who don't have internet -- and also to mail a select few shut ins their own copy -- we'll see what kind of reception we get!
