Saturday, November 20, 2010

thoughts on the news of the day: genius

            It’s a stroke of genius really. Forty wealthy families and individuals have joined with Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and billionaire investor Warren Buffett in a pledge to give at least half of their wealth to charities.  In other news, more than forty of the nation's millionaires have joined Patriotic Millionaires for Fiscal Strength to ask President Obama to discontinue the tax breaks established for them during the Bush administration.  "For the fiscal health of our nation and the well-being of our fellow citizens, we ask that you allow tax cuts on incomes over $1,000,000 to expire at the end of this year as scheduled," their website states. "We make this request as loyal citizens who now or in the past earned an income of $1,000,000 per year or more."
            The wealthiest folks in our nation are realizing that they have no hope of ever spending all of their wealth on themselves and their families and are generously offering at least a portion of their bounty to those in need. 
            I am guessing that probably everyone I know and everyone who reads this blog would not be one of the forty.  But we all can give a little.  One of the things the Lord requires of us is to act justly.  And that means striving to make sure that all are treated fairly, with dignity and compassion.  I think there are forty people in our country who have made a good start.

Friday, November 19, 2010

thoughts on the news of the day: discovery

            A new planet has been discovered!  It’s a hot, gaseous, fast-spinning orb that sits just on the edge of the Milky Way.  Scientists said that it is the first discovery of a planet outside of our own galaxy.  Slightly larger than our own planet Jupiter, the newly discovered planet is about 2,000 light years from earth. 
            The planet has been there for a while, we just didn’t see it.  Has that happened to you?  Something was there, you just didn’t see it.   A friend of mine tells the story of when she was a single mom trying to raise her four children on her own. One was disabled, so with that help, plus child support, plus food stamps, she managed to care for her kids.  Her checks were automatically deposited into her banking account and so when she went to her ATM, she expected the money to be there.  But it wasn’t.  She spent an anxious weekend praying and worrying about how she was going to pay her rent.  As it turns out, the money was there all along.  It had just not been posted.  She says that from then on, she decided to have faith that the help would always be there, even if she couldn’t see it at the moment.
            Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.  Just because we can’t see something doesn’t mean it isn’t there.  Sometimes we have to wait and hope and have a little faith.  And somehow it all works out.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

thoughts on the news of the day: boundaries


            Is the nation's airport screening system making us safer or just angrier?  The news today asks this question in regard to the newer invasive pre-flight passenger screening.  I experienced one at the Tulsa Airport recently and actually found it faster than the old system.   Now, I don’t know about the pat downs that security seems to feel is necessary in some cases, but my own feeling is that just about whatever it takes to keep us safe on planes is open for consideration.  Short of stripping naked, of course!
            The problem we have with these kinds of screenings is that they invade our privacy.   In my own life, I try to be careful about that.  Boundaries are important and like Robert Frost who said “good fences make good neighbors”, I believe that we should honor the personal space of others.  This makes for good relationships.
            What about when something someone is doing causes discomfort or even harm to another?  Scripture says that we should go to that person and gently confront them with the problem.  But we are not apt to do that.  In most cases we tend to let the problem and the feelings lie while we avoid the one we should confront. 
            Which brings us back to the question, is the new airport screening necessary and is it right?  What do you think?


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

thoughts on the news of the day: ambivalence

            The engagement of Prince William and Kate Middleton is all over the news today.  The beautiful sapphire ring is on display and everyone is talking about the wedding to come.  But my thoughts reach back to Princess Diana.  In all the joy and jubilation taking place, it must be a bittersweet experience for Prince William and his family.  How hard it must be to feel the excitement of starting a new life with one woman you love; but at the same time feeing regret and sadness that the first woman you ever loved cannot be a part of the celebration.
            Ambivalence means the presence of two opposing ideas, attitudes, or emotions at the same time.  Ambivalence is natural; it doesn’t mean we’re crazy.   I remember that feeling when I bought my last car – excited that I would have a safe, spiffy new vehicle to drive but terrified to take on the higher car payments.  It can be a strange place to be.  I feel that way sometimes, too, when I read the Bible.  Jesus tells us to feed the hungry, heal the sick and shelter the homeless and that feels noble and good, but it also feels overwhelming in its ramifications for my life. 
            Life gives us ambivalence.  But our challenge is to live with all of the conflicting feelings and thoughts; to organize the chaos -- and in that effort to find peace. May you find peace amidst the ambivalence of your day today.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

thoughts on the news of the day: patience

            My internet service is really slow this morning. Seems like it is taking forever to log on – and I have 3G!  It’s very frustrating and I am impatient.  So maybe that’s what I need to write about today – patience.
            I have great patience in some situations. It’s easy to have compassion for children or my older adult friends when they can’t move so fast.  But callers on the telephone are an entirely different matter.  It really annoys me when I call for medical information and am confronted, once again with the question, “Can I confirm your date of birth?” and  “Can I confirm your address?”  Seems like I have already told them a hundred times; can’t they get it right?  I almost bit a poor call center worker’s head off yesterday because she asked me those simple questions.  Again.
            But this time the inquirer very patiently responded that it was the new privacy act laws that now required them to ask those annoying questions.  I think she was as impatient with the process as I was!
            Patience. It’s something you don’t want to pray for – as in: “God, give me patience; and I want it now!” Patience is something to be cultivated, it happens over time. But patience sure comes in handy at times.  In my case an ounce of patience is usually worth a pound of brains.
            Now, if I could just get this dang server to hurry up!

Monday, November 15, 2010

thoughts on the news of the day: celebrate

            Today is my birthday.  No, it didn’t make the national headlines but it is significant to me.  There are not many overly famous people who share my birthday so it’s not really that special.  My Dad loves to tell the story about racing my Mom to the hospital in their new Chevy pick up truck for my delivery; I think snow was involved but I am not for sure.  Anyway, I made it into the world and have celebrated every year since.  
            Today I celebrate my good health, my beautiful daughter and wonderful family.  I celebrate good friends who love me even at my worst.  There’s my home with its stunning view off the back deck and lovely front porch for reading, writing and relaxing -- a good car that takes me where I want to go and daily work that brings me joy. I rejoice in the support and love of my church family.  My life has not always been this good, and I know that life ebbs and flows – we have good times and not so good.  Sometimes the bad even outweighs the good. It all flows together to become the river of our lives. 
            Today let your life flow.  Celebrate the good times and overcome the bad.  Be well.  Be brave. Be kind. Be strong.  When I blow out the candles on my birthday cake today, that will be my birthday wish for you.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

thoughts on the news of the day: boxing

            Some readers of this blog are asking how I come up with the news items each day.  It’s actually very simple. When I wake up each morning, I open my internet browser and write 200-250 words on whatever pops up that day.  It amazes me that an inner voice (some might call it God) will speak to me from such mundane topics as hair loss.  But it happens on a regular basis!  It’s kind fun, really to see what lands each day.   
            It’s so important to listen to our inner voice. It’s that still small voice that guides us, inspires us, motivates us and loves us. Today, the inspiration was the amazing win of welterweight Manny Pacquiao over a much bigger opponent.  So …. today I get to write about boxing? A subject I know nothing about and, in fact, pretty much disdain?  Maybe not.  Maybe the piece is about the importance of non-violence.  Maybe it’s about overcoming when you are the underdog.  Maybe it’s about perseverance when you are ready to give up. Maybe it’s about giving back when you have been given a great gift.
            Probably Pacquiao was inspired and motivated by an inner voice to accomplish the win.  He earned a guaranteed $15 million from it, a pretty good motivation in itself. But he has a higher purpose, he said, “I have another job after this.  I’m going back to the Philippines to do my other job and be a public servant.”
            Now that’s something to write about!