It’s the day before Easter and the forecast is for rain today and rain tomorrow. Dark and gloomy is the way it looks outside my window right now and it reminds me of Easter’s past. When I was growing up, we always celebrated Easter in a big way. We woke up early to Easter baskets and eggs hidden throughout the house. Then we had a lovely breakfast with Grandma’s iced Easter breads in full array. We put on our new Easter dresses and Easter hats and went to church. After the services, we came home to a big feast of ham and all the goodies that go with it.
And then came the highlight of the whole day. We had a huge Easter egg hunt in our back yard. Usually we had guests, so there was a fairly large crowd of hunters and a fairly large haul of decorated hardboiled eggs and those awful marshmallow ones – the sweeter than sweet ones.
But if it rained, it would ruin everything. No pictures outside with baskets and Easter outfits, and worst of all, no big Easter egg hunt. I remember sitting at our living room picture window watching the rain pour down (as it is right now) and feeling forlorn and lost because there would be no egg hunt. We tried hiding the eggs inside, but it just wasn’t the same. Easter was spoiled and there was nothing we could do about it.
Today, I have outgrown the need for Easter egg hunts, but I still wish it wouldn’t rain. Tomorrow we have a sunrise service planned in our church courtyard. It is beautiful this time of year, and it’s perfect for an outdoor service – weather permitting.
One thing for sure, though, rain or shine, the reason we celebrate Easter – the renewal of new life in Christ – will happen. And that’s reason enough to celebrate!