Friday, March 16, 2012

thoughts on the news of the day: jim's blog


Check out my friend, Jim Freeman's blog for March 17th (tomorrow)!  I enjoyed being his "guest blogger"....
you can find him at:

PS Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

thoughts on the news of the day: THE

            We have a church in our community who has named itself “THE CHURCH”.  I am not sure whether to laugh, cry, be insulted or be angry! 
            Our little community is filled with churches.  Someone told me that there are 128 churches in our town of 12,000.  I am not sure if that is an accurate count; but if it is, that’s a lot of churches!  To me that means that there are many different ways that people want and need to worship, to fellowship and to serve.  In our church we try to be open to the idea that even if we are in different locations on Sunday mornings, all of us who practice the Christian faith are striving as best we can to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, our Servant Savior. 
            Maybe at times we don’t do so well.  Maybe at times we compare ourselves to the “bigger” church down the street.  Maybe sometimes we even try to compete.  Yes, we do those things.  But our churches also serve together at the Christian Clinic, the Food Basket and the Center of Hope.  We don’t claim to be the one and only, we just claim to try and love our community and Jesus Christ.
            There is too much divisiveness in our country right now to carry it over to irresponsible claims to be THE one and only of just about anything.  Well… maybe Coca Cola can claim that, but it is just full of fizz and not much else anyway!  Hopefully, THE CHURCH will fizzle, at least in name, and we can all get back to serving God’s church together.