Saturday, March 10, 2012

thoughts on the news of the day: here we go ....

March 10, 2012
            So, Ladies, is “Fifty Shades of Grey” on your nightstand?  You will probably not be surprised to know that it is not on mine.  The book is an up and coming best seller that has been called “mommy porn.”  Apparently it is filled with all sorts of deviant behavior and violence.  In addition to that, it is said to contain extremely disrespectful behavior toward women.  Yuck!  A major bookseller recently acquired rights to the book, whose popularity apparently had spread by reader reviews on the internet. 
            While I happen to disdain these kinds of books, I, on the other hand, think that GCB – the new network series on ABC is hilarious!  Yes, it does have a few suggestive (and funny) moments and the actresses do sometimes wear rather bawdy outfits.  But, if you have ever lived in a place like Highland Park, a Dallas, TX township, you would understand that the show nails that big-hair, gossipy kind of semi-uniqueness in a parody that never implies that all female Dallasites behave that way …. well … not all of them, all the time.  Some of my guy friends think the show is demeaning to women but I disagree … it’s supposed to be funny—and it is.
            Rush Limbaugh has made some really crude remarks about women lately.  Most people, including a few advertisers of the show seem to think that the statements were way over the top.  Interestingly, there are a few (mostly men) supporters who think that Rush is right.
            I am not sure where it all ends.  But I am sure of one thing.  Who knows how or why it happened, but women do have a power today that never before in history have we had.  We can wield it respectfully and thoughtfully and therefore improve and change the world. Or not … it’s our choice …

Friday, March 9, 2012

thoughts on the news of the day: dog days

            Age seems to be the topic of articles on the web today.  I noticed one on the ages of dogs and cats.  We usually think that you can determine a dog’s age by multiplying the animal’s chronological age by seven.  So, if your doggie is three by human years, then it is twenty-one by dog years.  There is a new theory that suggests that using the traditional formula is not really accurate.  For example, a puppy quickly matures the first two years of life – after one year, it’s usually twelve dog years and by age two, the age increases to twenty-four years old.  The new premise is that dogs are likely to have babies even at one year old and on up to as old as age ten.  So, the math doesn’t really add up.  If the traditional formula is used that would mean that dogs could have babies from seven years old to as old as seventy.  Not a likely scenario with humans.
            On to cats …. A really cool “cat” is Dick Van Dyke.   You might remember him as the dancing chimney sweep in “Mary Poppins”.  Well, he just got married at eighty-six; that’s in human years, not dog years.  His bride is a blushing forty years old.    It gets better.  They got married on February 29.  Does that mean that in four years they will only be celebrating their one year anniversary?
            I like Satchel Pages comments on age: “How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?”  And even better: “Age is a case of mind over matter, if you don’t mind, it don’t matter.”  Most dogs and most aging chimney sweeps would probably agree with that.

Monday, March 5, 2012

thoughts on the news of the day: march forth

            Several good friends have birthdays today, so I thought it might be fun to see if there were any significant holidays on March 5.  Significant?  I am not sure about this one … but just so you know, today is “Multiple Personality Day”.  I think the web site announcing this might be pulling our leg …. Ya think?
            Some clever holidays are celebrated this month.  Days like: Dentist Day, (tomorrow); National Popcorn Lovers Day (March 8) and March 13, National Ear Muff Day.  There are actually some real holidays in March.  St. Patrick’s Day (March 17) comes to mind; then there is the Jewish holiday of Purim which will be celebrated on March 8 this year.  The Ides of March is on the 15th and a favorite of my childhood days was Girl Scout Day which occurs on March 12.
            One of my best buddies of my childhood has her birthday today.  It always began what would usually prove to be a great month.  We were selling Girl Scout cookies and then celebrated our accomplishments at a party held close to our Girl Scout’s birthday.  Right around the corner was the day of green.  We always wore it on March 17 … lest we get pinched to death!  The best part of the month would be when Easter came early and crowned the end of March.  I’m talking Easter dresses and Easter hats and Easter baskets --  a virtual second Christmas for my best friend and both our families. 
            And by the way, don’t forget to celebrate March 30 –Take A Walk in the Park Day – you can MARCH onward and into April Fools Day … ha!