Saturday, June 25, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: books

            Librarians are becoming a thing of the past. Schools all over the country are eliminating the position in an effort to cut costs.  Libraries sit vacant save for a student or two coming in to use the computer or check out a book.  They are becoming a thing of the past. 
            I personally love books.  I like sitting in a cozy chair with a book in my lap and a cold – or hot drink on the end table depending on the season.  Soon I plan to make the switch to electronic books and I don’t think that will be a problem.  In fact, it might make my life a little easier – you can store so many more books in such a small little compact tablet.
            Collecting books may even become a thing of the past – for individuals and libraries.  Last time I moved, I got rid of a whole carload of dusty volumes.  They were too expensive to load on the moving van – weighty in more ways than one!  But children’s books will always be my weakness.  Beautiful drawings by Tasha Tudor and clever sayings and drawings by Dr. Seuss will never be the same on an electronic screen.  I have dreams of grandchildren sitting on my lap with my collections and enjoying a good story.  But then again, maybe I am a little too romantic about dusty old pages.
            Romance aside, grab a book or a laptop or an electronic tablet and read something today.  It will enrich your mind, challenge your imagination and change your world.

Friday, June 24, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: pipe organs

            The Wanamaker pipe organ in Philadelphia turned 100 this week.  The organ was first created in 1911 to mark the coronation of King George V.  It traveled from London to the United States when the retail magnate, Rodman Wanamaker wanted it for his store.  Now this is no small organ; it was originally built with over 10,000 pipes.  Still not big enough for the seven story atrium of the building, pipes were added over the years and now they number at about 28,400.
            Pipe organs are not the most popular instruments these days.  The sound is generally thought of as “old school”; that is, not in tune with today’s sound.  Plus they are impossible to move, so you can’t take a pipe organ on the road.  You have to go to it.
            My brother is a monk in France.  He is what you might call “old school” also.  He has made a vow to stay within the confines of the monastery and not travel, except on rare occasions, such as going to the doctor.  If we want to visit him, we have to go to him, kind of like a pipe organ.
            In our highly mobile world, it’s kind of refreshing to know that there are things and people that are immoveable.  They are always there, ready to share the beauty and gifts that they have been given with those of us who are wandering.  Makes me want to stay put … well, kind of …

Thursday, June 23, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: communication

            Yesterday someone asked me how I pray.  I am guessing they were wondering how to talk to God.  I think it’s about communication.  For example, if you withhold your thoughts and feelings with another person, it could be said that you are really being kind of selfish.  And that’s the way it is with God, too.  When we are too shy to tell God how we really feel, it’s not just about us.  It’s about God, too … I mean why would you want to be selfish with God?  God is after all, the Great Provider of the universe. 
            When I was growing up, the prayers I learned were rote and memorized.  I had a hard time understanding how God would know that I was concerned about my grandma’s health when I never said her name specifically.  Later, I was taught to just talk to Jesus as if he were a friend sitting right across the table from me – and that worked out so much better for me.  Now, that’s what I recommend.  You can talk to God anytime … he is up all night .. so it doesn’t matter if its late and you can’t sleep … or you are in traffic or bored out of your mind.  God doesn’t care …
            St Paul told us to pray continually and I think he meant just that – we should carry on a continuing conversation with God … giving who we are … giving all we can …

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: light

            The internet news reports today that Michelle Obama, our First Lady, is meeting with Nelson Mandela in Johannesburg, South Africa.  Mandela now is a frail 92 year old who spent 20 minutes or so with Michelle and her two daughters.  So today would be a good day to be reminded of all the wonderful things that Mandela has said over his years of incarceration and later vindication.
            One that is my particular favorite goes like this:
            Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
            This was quoted by Mandela in his Inauguration speech in 1994 and is commonly attributed as being written by him.  It is actually a quote from Marianne Williamson in her book, A Return to Love: Reflections on a Course in Miracles  
            But irregardless of who said it or who wrote it, it is a statement for all of us, all of the time.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: anonymity

            Used to be that only celebrities and politicians had to suffer the inevitability of a breach in their privacy.  The more famous you became, the less anonymity you enjoyed.  But now thanks to the internet and social networking sites, anyone and everyone can be a star at almost any time.  Take for example the couple who were photographed in a lover’s embrace in the midst of the Vancouver riots after their defeat by the Boston Bruins.  The couple became instant celebrities – at least for five minutes or so …
            Cell phone cameras are everywhere and so any action we take at any time is subject to filming and publishing worldwide on youtube – or maybe just facebook.  It’s a good and bad thing.  On the one hand, it’s an invasion of privacy that would have been unheard of even ten years ago.   But, it is also a valuable device for locating misbehavior and harmful actions. 
            It’s sort of like playing God.  I don’t mind that God knows everything, sees everything and judges everything.  He is, after all, the Master of the Universe.  And on top of that, God loves me unconditionally.   But the stranger on the street who has the potential to judge me and even harm me is a little bit scary. 
            So I am not sure where this is all leading us … more laws will probably not solve the dilemma.   Better behavior might.  In the meantime, remember, God is watching you, and maybe, so are we!

Monday, June 20, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: yana

            When I lived in Austin, TX, while I was going to seminary, I belonged to a women’s spiritual support group called YANA.  It was an acronym for the words: You Are Not Alone.  And that is my message for today.
            Many people that are crossing my path lately seem to be feeling so alone and so afraid.  There are cancer patients: some at death’s door, some hopeful of complete remission.   There are divorces to deal with and money problems. There are all sorts of other health problems.  There are those who have lost loved ones: husbands, wives, children.
            And in all of these situations, we can’t help but feel that we are in it all alone.  But we aren’t.  God is with us.  God is, was and evermore shall be with us in our trials and in our suffering, in our longing and despair, in our faith and in our hope.
            We mustn’t run away from life.  It is there every day for the taking.  Embrace it; hold it; cherish it and live it.  Follow your heart; follow your dreams.  And if you don’t have any dreams, make some.   Believe that things can change; for whether we like it or not, change is inevitable, so we might as well plan for it and embrace it.
            But we are not alone in the change.  God is with us, and all is well. Believe this, and if you can’t believe it, believe that I believe.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: father's day

            A friend of mine called late last night to say he and his wife wouldn’t be in church today.  They are leaving to go to Florida.  He said, “My daughter is dying. She is an alcoholic and the disease has finally gotten the best of her.”  Not a very good way to celebrate Father’s Day.  That has to be tough – raising a daughter, loving her, wanting the best for her, then losing her to a treatable disease. 
            My daughter posted a sweet note on facebook last night, it read:  “Thanks for … rebounding for me until dark, catching my fastballs, teaching me how to deal with car repairs, power tools and hammers, showing up on father daughter day, standing alone on parent’s night, instilling in me that I can do anything and telling me I’m beautiful. Happy Father’s Day Momma!  Couldn’t have done it without you!” 
            Father’s Day was always bittersweet for my daughter and me because her Dad was really not present much in her life.  It was a hard day until my daughter realized that she had both father and mother in me.   I was not a single parent; I was a dual duty parent.  We started celebrating Father’s Day together – she even made me Father’s Day cards when she was little.    
            For many folks Father’s Day is difficult.  Memories are not always so sweet.  It can be painful if you are a father who is missing a child and it can be heartbreaking if you are missing your father.  Fortunately we are all blessed with a heavenly Father who loves us and will never leave us.  And that is something to celebrate!