Standard & Poor’s index has downgraded the US credit rating from AAA to AA+. I am not sure what this means for the United States and our economy and I don’t think anyone else really knows either. But I don’t guess that it’s going to be real good.
117,000 new jobs have been created which is a good sign. The question is, can we keep it up? And is that many jobs really only a drop in the bucket? A report by the Children’s Defense Fund declares that children were the big loser last decade and it may continue into this decade. Food stamps for kids are higher, homeless children numbers are way higher and the cost of day care has skyrocketed.
What are we doing here? It’s really anybody’s guess. Seems like everyone has an opinion. I try not to be political in this blog and I am not going to be today. My take on it is that we are just going to have a little faith and have it a little longer. That probably might seem like a naïve conclusion to many folks, but really what do we have left but our faith in things getting better?
A woman in our congregation has cancer and has been told she has 45 days left to live. Now, that’s a real AAA problem. Her faith is strong, though. How she spends her last days is probably more important to her than whether the economy takes a turn for the better or the worse.
Seems to me it’s all relative.