Monday, May 21, 2012

thoughts on the news of the day: heroes and angels

            A few days ago, I posted a picture and a letter from my daughter (scroll down).  It was very dear to me and something I will always treasure.  But here’s (as Paul Harvey would say) “the rest of the story.”
            My daughter is a fan of a Texas Hill Country music artist, Granger Smith.  He wanted to produce a music video called “Heroes and Angels” and asked fans to send in photos of someone who fit that description for them.  He offered to include some of them in the video.  The link is:  Towards the end you can see our picture!! How cool is that!!   My daughter and I are now media stars … well.. at least for our five minutes of fame!!!
            I hope you have someone in your life that you can call a hero or an angel … and I bet that you are a hero or an angel to someone, too.