There’s an article on the internet today about Russell Simmons who is worth more than $100 million as a result of success in the music, fashion and film industries. He recently wrote a book called, “Super Rich: A Guide to Having It All”.
He lists five top principles to financial wealth. The first is: Give your talent until they can’t live without it. He says by being a good giver you become a good “getter”. 2. Relentlessly pursue your goals without appearing needy. When you chase things they will always run from you. 3. If you don’t love it, leave it alone. You should only do things you are ethically comfortable doing. 4. Let go of the results. He says: “You really have no control over the results, you have control over the action. So make sure you perform your action and your duty well.” 5. Get open. You always want to be open, creative and fluid as possible, and never become rigid, old or tight.
I am not what you could describe as financially savvy. I get by, but that’s about it. So I can’t really say whether Simmons principles work in the economic world. But I think that financial success is not really the point. These spiritual principles are age old; and adhering to them is part of success in life. Simmons doesn’t really have the secret to success in his hip pocket; we all can have it, too. We can find it in another best selling book. All we have to do is read it and live it.