Saturday, December 18, 2010

thoughts on the news of the day: payback

            The state of California received a $10,000 check from a South Carolina retiree.  It’s a token of appreciation for the unemployment benefits he received back in 1964.  The money will be used for financial assistance to public schools of California as required by state law. 
            Payback – it’s what we all want and it’s what we all need to give.  We want other people to repay us whether it’s in money or time or energy expended.  We think we are owed for the debts borrowed by others.
            But what about what we owe others?  Do we owe our parents a debt of gratitude for all they did to get us raised and on our way in life?  Do we owe our public schools anything for the education given to us for virtually nothing?  Do we owe the military men and women of our country anything for their service and sacrifice for our great nation?  Is there any debt we need to repay that weighs on our mind and heart?
            Guilt is a weight that wears on our conscience and is mostly unnecessary if we make our amends as soon as we are able.  Now, the retiree is actually not repaying a debt; or is he?  Did he pay the money back because he felt guilty or because he felt grateful?  Probably a little of both. 
            If you owe a debt that needs to be repaid, this Christmas season could be the time to make someone’s day – pay it back – you might be glad you did.

Friday, December 17, 2010

thoughts on the news of the day: amygdala

            Living without fear?  Wonderful?  Maybe not.  A 44 year old mother of three is being studied at the University of Iowa because she has a medical condition that causes her not to feel any fear.  The specific psychological impairment is the result of a rare disease that damaged a structure in the brain called amygdala.  In spite of its appeal, living without any fear at all can be dangerous.  For example, what if you were not afraid to jump off that bridge, or handle that poisonous snake? I think we all want to live without being afraid.  But a healthy awareness of danger is different, and important.   
            Ok.. I have to confess, I got into a little fear myself this morning.  My internet connection was not working and I panicked.  My connection with the world was severed, or so I thought.  But that was just a self-centered fear that I wouldn’t get something I wanted. I have heard it said that most fear boils down to one of two things:  fear of not getting what we want or fear of losing what we have.  Yes, we should be afraid of things that might harm us, its OK to be a little cautious when things don’t seem quite right. But our fear sometimes goes way beyond that; and that’s when we need God to step in and calm our anxiety.
            My prayer for you today is that God would give you protection from danger and faith to conquer your fear.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

thoughts on the news of the day: journey

            Today we are driving to Branson, MO.  There is no easy way to get there.  Out of Mountain Home all paths are crooked, curvy, steep and hilly with narrow shoulders or none at all.  However, the scenic views are terrific so it’s worth the effort to drive the highways.
            In our bible study yesterday, we looked at Isaiah 40.  It’s the one with the passage that talks about making straight the paths through the desert, lifting every valley up and making every hill low.  In lovely poetic language, the author gives us a picture of a journey made easier. Sometimes, I wonder if Isaiah was talking about Highway 62, the mountain road out of Mountain Home! It sure would be nice if it was a super highway like Interstate 540 that cuts through the mountains from Springdale to Ft. Smith. 
            My spiritual mentor says that as we grow spiritually, the path we travel gets steeper and narrower. Life becomes a joy, but a challenge as we begin to have higher expectations of ourselves. We want to draw closer to our Maker and that requires self discipline and dedication. But my mentor also says that as we climb that high mountain of spiritual growth, and we pause to look out over the horizon, the view is incredible.  And that is true also.  We see the beauty and wonder of creation, and our part in it.  We become closer to God.
            Where will your journey take you today, and what will you see?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

thoughts on the news of the day: Secret Santa

            In Kansas City there is a long standing tradition.  A Secret Santa hits the streets shortly before Christmas each year to hand out $100 bills to unsuspecting strangers.  He finds people in thrift stores, food pantries and shelters who are down on their luck and in need of a little Christmas miracle.  No one knows who this man is, or the source of his donations because this Secret Santa prefers to remain anonymous. 
            I thought I had the best job in the world; I am the pastor of a small congregation in the Ozarks.  In beautiful surroundings, I get to do a wide variety of fun assignments.  Then there are the pot lucks; too much good food and too little time to sample it all!  And, of course, I have the Best Boss in the universe …
            Yes, I thought I had the best job in the world, but I think Secret Santa tops mine.  Can you imagine how thrilling it would be to surprise ordinary people with the money they need to make their own Christmas wishes come true? 
            You may be stuck in a job you don’t like.  That’s a hard place to be.  You may be wishing for your own Secret Santa to rescue you with a $100 bill or two.  My prayer for you this Christmas is that you get everything you need and most of what you want.  But that in the receiving, may you also find the joy that comes from giving to others.  And then … maybe you would have your own Christmas miracle …

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

thoughts on the news of the day: hospitality

December 14, 2010
            Today I am hosting my annual Christmas Open House.  My home has been decorated, the punch and cookies are made, and the napkins and plates are ready to go.  It gets dark here by 5:30, so we need some bright spots in the early evening this time of year.  Besides, it’s a good time to celebrate!
            My grandmother had the gift of hospitality.  She loved to cook and entertain.  At Christmas time, she spent hours in the kitchen baking cookies and candies in hopes of folks stopping by to sample her goodies.  I am not sure how many angels she entertained unawares, but she certainly understood the biblical gift of making someone feel at home.  And it is a gift.  Just like teaching and preaching, hospitality is a gift God gives us to share our love with others.
            Our church has the gift of hospitality.  Every Sunday after church we host a fellowship hour.  We have cookies galore – not the store bought kind.  No, our cookies are the best in town and come from some of the very best bakers in the area!  You will find a welcoming spirit there and the desire to reach out and share our facilities and our friendship.
            In spite of the fact that I love to host parties, I am not sure I have the gift of hospitality.  But I do respect and admire that welcoming spirit when I see it.  Perhaps you have it, and if you do, don’t hesitate to share it.  You might meet some angels and not even know it.

Monday, December 13, 2010

thoughts on the news of the day: monetization

            If you are a fan of facebook like me, you enjoy sharing information with your friends.  Unfortunately, that same information is tracked by advertisers in their efforts to tailor their messages to various groups of consumers.  But this month, the Federal Trade Commission is trying to curtail that tracking by establishing a “Do Not Track” mechanism which would enable us to opt out of being scrutinized on the Web.  Soon, we will be able to say “no” to those who want to entice us with their wares by personally pestering us on the internet.
            The particular blog site that I use has a mechanism that enables the writer to “monetize” their site.  In other words, on my blog, I have the ability to allow retailers to advertise their product to you the reader.  Then, in turn, if you respond to the ad, I would get a small remuneration.  Thus far, I have resisted it.  It feels a lot like the money changers in the temple who pawned their wares to vulnerable seekers.  And somehow, it seems disrespectful to you, the reader.  Now, don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t mind at all profiting from my writing; I just don’t want to manipulate my readers in the process.
            All that to say, I appreciate each and every one of you who read my blog and hope that each day you are in some way encouraged, enlightened or edified by what your read.  Thank you for your readership and your comments; you are a blessing to me.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

thoughts on the news of the day: blizzard

            Heavy snow and blizzard-like conditions grip most of the Midwest this morning.  Up to 20 inches of snow is predicted. This is problematic for one Minnesota man who pledged to camp out on the roof of a coffee shop to help his daughter’s school raise money.  The man dressed in four layers of thermal underwear, heavy boots and a down coat to begin his commitment to the school on last Friday night.  He promised he would raise $100,000 for the school and would not come down off of his perch until he had reached that goal.  “I think I’ve crossed the line into insanity,” he said.
            A colleague in ministry writes a bible study that I read each morning.  Today he talked about commitment. And that’s what comes to mind when I think about the man sitting on a rooftop in a blizzard to raise money.  What incredible dedication it would take to live outside in subzero conditions to raise money for a good cause.
            What are you committed to today?  If you haven’t made a commitment to regularly attend a church service on Sunday mornings, today would be a good day to do that.  The music and Christmas decorations are more than enough reason to give it a try, but the blessings you will receive by attending might carry you through a difficult holiday season.  Sure beats sitting out on a frigid rooftop!