Saturday, August 20, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: hope

            So much bad news …there is so much bad news in the world today.  Unrest and war in the Middle East, stock market losses on Wall Street, tornadoes and earthquakes and no doubt a hurricane or two this season.
            But in our family today there is good news!  We will celebrate the marriage of my nephew and his beautiful fiancĂ©.  As a minister, I am privileged and enormously happy to officiate at this grand occasion.  The couple have been going together for years.  They met in college, have traveled the world together and now make their home in New England where she is in law school.  It’s almost a storybook romance: the couple is clearly in love and our family is in love with the idea of their union.
            My nephew has been clever, creative and classy almost since birth.  In addition to being my nephew, he is also my godson, so I am a little prejudiced.   When he was about 5 or 6 he sent me a card.  It had drawings of tiny ants all over it and on the inside it said, “Happy Birthday, ‘Ant’ Nancy.  I have been “Ant” Nancy ever since.  So naturally, I think he is wonderful and the marriage is wonderful, too.
            In a depressing and desperate time such as this, it is endearing to watch a young couple and their families so happy in the possibilities of the new life they are creating.  And I am blessed to be a part of it.  Hope abounds.

Friday, August 19, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: dinosaurs

            Remember Woolworths?  Are you old enough to remember Tab and  Chicklets? Woolworths had its heyday long before Mr. Sam Walton even thought of Wal-Mart.  In fact, he got the idea for Wal-Mart in part from that iconic five and dime store.  Tab Cola was the drink in the 60’s and 70’s before its demise; and Chicklets chewing gum was born long-time before all the sugar free gums of the 21rst Century. 
            In spite of their success in years past, none of these products are in existence today.  Well, they are barely in existence.  An article on the internet explores the demise of such greats as Pan Am airlines, Diners Club cards and Rustlers Steak House.  They are all popular name brands that are for the most part no longer a part of the consumer scene.
            I wonder …. will giants such as Starbucks, Wal-Mart and Fritoes become a thing of the past for future generations?  I guess it all depends on good management.  That is the main reason that the items mentioned above are no longer in existence.  The companies were poorly run and didn’t really keep up with the times.
            Will you and I become obsolete some day?  That all depends upon us.  It depends upon how we manage our own lives and how open minded we are to what happens next.  To the youth of our church, I may be a dinosaur but hopefully I can still make a come back – we’ll see!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: school

            School started yesterday. A fresh new year begins for children all over this part of the country.  Maybe that is not such big news for northern Arkansas, but it is a big deal for the children of Joplin, Mo.  They were ravaged by a monstrous tornado three months ago which damaged or destroyed 18 schools.  So children, teachers, administrators and parents were not sure if the schools could be restored in time for the starting date.
            Portable buildings were hauled in and teachers worked hard to begin on time.  For the people of Joplin, that spells strength, persistence and determination.   The children are lucky to have such a dedicated group of folks watching out for them.
            What would you do if faced with such an enormous task? Would you be able to handle it?  I guess we do the best we can with what we have, but sometimes that is just not enough.  People especially have expectations and sometimes those just can’t be met.  So it’s amazing when they are.
            Hats off to the people of Joplin for their resiliency, their courage and their hope!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: stress

            So here’s how it is:  did a funeral yesterday, Dad is in the hospital, my nephew’s wedding is Saturday and I am officiating in the wedding,  If I wanted to use a clichĂ©, now would be the time to say, when it rains it pours.
            Joys and sorrows seem to happen in tandem in our family.  Many years ago my brother was getting married in Chicago while my sister was giving birth to an infant girl who only lived for 2 ½ days.  We had a wedding and a funeral within days of one another.
            That doesn’t only happen in my family. One of our church members just missed seeing her daughter before she passed and that was three  hours before his great granddaughter was born.  Joys and sorrows.
            God seems to think we can handle all of that at the same time.  But I am not so sure. Oh, yeah, we carry on, do the best we can.  But eventually it takes its toll; and the stress shows up months, even years later.  We don’t connect it, but we should.
            I think that’s why Jesus taught us to pray.  It’s probably the best antidote for stress that we will ever have this side of heaven.  So, I hope you say your prayers today, I know I will.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: jewel

            Jewel has a new album coming out.  It’s called The Merry Goes Round.  She wrote the songs in this children’s album for her son, Kase, born in July.  It has mostly her own writing but also includes a rendition of My Favorite Things.  I don’t know if it will be a best seller, but I love Jewel, so even though I don’t have small children any more, I am sure I will down load it.
            My favorite Jewel song of all time is one called Life Uncommon.  Believe it or not, one time my daughter and I sang it in a church service.  Its lyrics are haunting and remind us that we, too can live a life that is uncommon in its accomplishments.  The lyrics to the chorus go like this:
            Lend your voices only to sounds of freedom.
            No longer lend your strength to that which you wish to be free from.
            Fill you lives with love and bravery.
            And you shall lead a life uncommon
                I don’t know about you, but these lyrics remind me that we have such a gift in this country of ours.  We are blessed to have the freedom to be brave in times of crisis and to love whom ever we want to love.
            More lyrics to the song say:
            There are plenty of people who pray for peace.
            But if praying were enough it would have come to be.
            Let your words enslave no one and the heavens will hush themselves.
            To hear our voices ring out clear with sounds of freedom.

            Don’t think I could say it any better.

Monday, August 15, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: gleaning

            Gleaning is a word that doesn’t come up in conversation much.  It is the idea of going back into a field after it is harvested and picking up what is left.  In the Bible, Ruth  became famous for gleaning from a field back in the Old Testament. 
            Kelly Callahan, who is from Atlanta, and picks food in the yards of empty homes in foreclosure may well become famous, too.  She is quoted in the New York Times as saying:  “I don’t think of it as stealing.  These things were planted by a person who was going to harvest them.  That person no longer had the ability to.  It’s not like the bank people who sit in their offices are going to come out here and pick figs.”
            What do you think? Is it stealing or not? And does it matter if she does it to feed her family?  It’s an age old question that ethics professors pose.  If a person steals a loaf of bread to feed his family, is it a crime?  Ethicists weigh in on both sides of the question.  If you are a legalist, someone who believes that the law is the law no matter what, then you might think that it is illegal.   And it may be, but does that make it wrong?  I mean, people even do it in the Bible.  The difference is that Ruth had permission; which means it wasn’t stealing. 
            So there you have it, is it stealing or not?  It may end up being a dilemma for the courts to decide.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: memorial

            It’s hard to believe that in less than a month the 10th year has past since September 11, 2001.  I don’t call it an anniversary because there is nothing to celebrate.  I am sure that many film clips, television magazines, and print magazines are developing programs and articles to commemorate this event. And we will watch them all in curiosity and respect of those who died.   A memorial has been created at the site of the twin towers that looks magnificent in the photos.  It will officially open on September 11, 2011, exactly 10 years after the event.
            Please remember those who lost their lives and those who gave their lives on that most tragic event almost 10 years ago.  God bless the families of those who died.  And God bless America.