Today’s date is 9-10-11 and today I have the privilege of performing the marriage service for two good friends of mine. Lots of folks are getting married today; in fact I have been told that it is the most popular day this year to get married. I guess it is because it is easy to remember.
My nephew and his wife got married on September 11 several years ago. It wasn’t disrespect for the significance of the day. They are both long time career officers in our armed forces and love our country as much as anyone I know. It just happened to be the day that was available at the church and the reception hall. But it is one of the few anniversaries of family member’s weddings that I can remember.
A few years ago, four to be exact, I had the opportunity to perform a marriage service for a niece and her fiancĂ©. They were married on 7-7-7 . They thought it would bring them luck but it didn’t. Unless you call being free from one another through divorce lucky.
Choosing a day to be married can be significant. Several couples I know chose Valentine’s Day to get married – for obvious reasons. And one couple I knew in Texas got married on Christmas Day. Not a great day for family and friends to attend a wedding but the church was nicely decorated.
I supposed in the end, the day you choose to get married doesn’t really matter. What matters is the love you have for one another and the commitment you make to the vows you have taken. That is my prayer for the couple I am marrying today.