Today marks the first day of the American Librarian Associations’ Banned Book Week. It is an annual event that celebrates the freedom to read and the importance of the First Amendment. There are some interesting books that have been banned by different school systems and cities. Book classics such as Brave New World, Catcher in the Rye , Grapes of Wrath, The Color Purple and even children’s books such as James and the Giant Peach have been victims of overzealous censors. They have been banned for such topics as sexual content, racism, obscenity and violence.
What I find interesting about the Banned Book Week is that based on the criteria that is used to ban books, the Bible should be first and foremost on the list. After all, it has violence, sexuality, cursing and racism contained within its covers. I wonder what would happen if the Bible were banned. Oh, wait, I think it already is … Because of religious rights protesters, the Bible is not allowed to be used in most public schools. This is in spite of the fact that it contains some of the most eloquent literature ever written and also a wealth of historical information.
Now, I am not sure where freedom to read what we want to read and censoring filth meet. And I guess it is all contingent on the eye of the reader. Hopefully most times, common sense prevails and books are judged by their merit and not by their ability to make us think. After all, aren’t books supposed to make us think?