Monday, October 18, 2010


            The news today is that the Chilean miners who were rescued last week have a pact not to talk about their experiences other than as a group.  This is to ensure that the truth about what happened while they were trapped in the mine would be told.
            These days, when a group of any size begins to meet and share what is going on emotionally, spiritually or even physically, a kind of group covenant is made to keep what is said there within the group.  It is supposed to ensure a kind of safety and trust so that the members of the group can speak in confidence. Group confidentiality is crucial to the success of any group.  When members do not feel safe to confide in others the nature of their issues, then the group becomes almost ineffective. 
            Unfortunately, confidentiality is almost always is broken.  And apparently, in the case of the miners, it will be broken as book deals and movie rights lure the miners into disclosure.  It’s too bad.  Not so much because the truth will get distorted, but because the lives of the miners could ultimately be destroyed.  I am hoping that doesn’t happen – to them or to you ….


1 comment:

  1. GOLD (as book/movie contracts) does have a way of helping people feel okay about going back on their word ! sigh...
