Until recently, savings accounts were the traditional vehicle for being wise and frugal with money. Not so any more says an article on the web today. Savings accounts seem to be on the outs with financial experts. First of all, they have dismally low interest rates, and to add insult to injury, many now add costly fees just to maintain a balance. The wisdom of the writer of the article is to choose some other place to stash your cash.
Now, prudence with money is always a good thing, but right here might be a good place to review the scripture which reminds us to store up our treasures in heaven and not on earth. I think what the Master was trying to say is that we need to find a balance. Our parents and grandparents had a different perspective from those of us who live in today’s throwaway world. They lived through the depression; a time when food, clothing and other resources were almost impossible to acquire, so nothing was ever thrown away. But neither hoarding nor squandering resources is the way to go – which leaves finding a balance between the two a good solution to the dilemma.
I think I might take some of my stuff to the thrift store today – I probably won’t need it again anyway.
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