There is a man named Walter Breunig who has spent 114 Christmases on the planet. Yes, this man was born on September 21, 1896 and is thought to be the oldest man in the world. He remembers Christmases at the Methodist church as a young child where he received a little holiday box with a couple of nuts and a piece of candy. His family was poor and many Christmases that was all he was given.
What will your memories of this Christmas be? And will you or anyone else remember them 100 years from now – or even one year from now? It’s easy to get depressed the day after Christmas. There were so many expectations about how the day would go that in the aftermath the blues can over take us.
But maybe a good way to combat that sadness is to write some thank you notes. I bet you could make a list of ten or even twenty people you could thank for gifts received this Christmas season. My mom always sat us down the day or so after Christmas and we wrote notes of thanks to relatives who had extended the kindness of a toy or a candy gift. It gave us a chance to re-live the excitement of opening the present and to pause long enough to realize again what Christmas was really all about… the gift of love.
I hope that if I live to be a 100, I will still be writing notes to say thank you at Christmas.
wow nancy. good. bless you and smiles, clay