As you look back over 2010, what comes to mind? The Haiti Earthquake? The Gulf Oil Spill? The World Cup? The Chilean Mine Rescue? All important stories that impact our world and in many ways influence our lives.
What would you write as the top ten stories of your life in 2010? Would it be about new jobs, new relationships, new adventures, or new births? We often mark time through events, those things that happen to us, or to people we know. And as we look back over the year how do we feel? Sad? Joyous? Grateful? Angry?
I visited a retro “five and dime” store recently and among the Roy Rogers lunch boxes and John Deere ball caps, I found a diary. You know, the old school kind; it had the days of the year marked on its pages and was complete with the lock and the key.
Do you keep a journal, a diary? It’s a wonderful way to be in touch with our life. We can say things to a piece of paper or a computer screen that we would never dream of saying out loud. Our true feelings about issues and people can bounce onto the page with no reaction and no recrimination.
Then there’s the God part. It’s fun to look back and see where God had a hand in even the most mundane of activities. But that is difficult without a written accounting of things wished for and things received.
Perhaps in 2011, you could consider writing a journal of events and feelings that affect your life. No one has to read it. No one has to know. And it certainly doesn’t have to be well written. Mostly, it just has to be honest.
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