Thursday, December 9, 2010

thoughts on the news of the day: starlight

            A spectacular starlight event is scheduled for December 13.  The massive Geminid meteor shower returns every year; but also showing in the winter sky will be the December 20 total eclipse of the moon. This eclipse claims to be the best one to view before 2014.
            There is something sacred about gazing into the sky to see the light.  A few years ago, I traveled to the Texas Hill country for a pastor’s retreat.  One of the nights I was there, I trekked  alone to the highest point in the area and sat in my lawn chair gazing at the planet Mars.  It was at its closest point to our little world and was a giant pink orb gleaming in the sky.  Later on that same year, I had the opportunity to sit atop a mountain in Vermont and view the Milky Way. I felt as if I could touch the sky, the stars were so bright.  Both events reaffirmed my belief in a Master Creator who bathes our world in glowing light and watches over each of us.
            The Bible has stories of stars and one of the most famous is the account of the wise men following the bright light to Bethlehem.  We remember that story this time of year as we celebrate a special birth of a very special child.  I wonder if the Magi felt the same closeness to creation and Creator as they journeyed so far in search of greatness.
            I invite you to follow the stars this December. Grab your lawn chair and your cozy blanket and venture out into the night.  God’s grand showing of nature’s fireworks awaits.

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