Let the lists begin! It is the last month of the year and the last month of the decade, so Top 10 lists are beginning to dominate the news. One search engine reported the top search this year to be, not Britney Spears, as in years past, but the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion in the Gulf. This is the first time a major news story has reached the top of an internet list, as opposed to a pop icon or event.
I have a friend who is making 50 lists of 50 different things in celebration of his fiftieth year. That will be quite an accomplishment if he is actually able to do it!
There are lots of reasons to make lists. Probably the top list made is the “to do” list. Have you ever made a “to do” list in the morning only to find that at the end of the day just one or two things have been accomplished? That happens to me on a regular basis, I get sidetracked, things happen.
Then there’s the Bucket List: a list of things to do before you “kick the bucket.” What would be on yours? Probably places to go and things to do, but would it have people to help, causes to support? How about making a list of ten things to do before you go to heaven? Something like reading 150 Psalms in 150 days. Or maybe doing one random act of kindness each day without getting caught?
What is the list of your life? And what will you accomplish next?
I really liked the "list before you go to heaven" idea ! THANKS nancy