Thursday, February 3, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: snowbound

            Rolling blackouts – it’s a term I hadn’t heard before.  I was in Austin, TX yesterday visiting my old seminary and learned of the practice. Rolling blackouts are intentionally-engineered last resort measures used by electric companies that prevent total blackouts of power systems.  In Austin yesterday they lasted about 45 minutes at a time at different random locations all over the city.  They were rather disconcerting for the victims of the morning power outages. Discovering lack of electricity during a wet hair drying session can be almost hair raising if the room you are standing in has also become devoid of heat. 
            In more northern reaches, power outages of another kind are occurring.  Because of blizzards and ice storms, over half of the country is snowed-in.  So it’s a time for a warm fire in the fireplace, hot chocolate and a good book.  First responders are wisely recommending that we stay inside until the snow melts or at least gets plowed away. 
            It’s a time to relax, really.  There’s not much else we can do.  We stay so busy that being forced to slow down is almost distressing.  Having “found” time on our hands is new and different.  I say, put your feet up (after wrapping them in a blanket!) and take a break.  All those millions of have-to-get-done things will be there when you get back.  I promise no fairies are going to come in the middle of the night and take your work away from you; it will be there when you return. 
            Chill out; unwind; take it easy; lighten up; slow down …..

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