Sunday, February 13, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: walk away?

            Egypt has finally freed itself from Mubarak.  He has finally left a country where he simply wasn’t wanted any more. 
            Have you ever been caught in a situation where you clearly weren’t wanted? I am not talking about those situations of international importance, I am talking about everyday times when control issues surface and another person or people just don’t want you around any more.   I found myself in that place recently and it is quite uncomfortable.  Now, being a minister, it’s rare to find myself in that situation.  Usually ministers are welcomed and embraced when we show up. 
            What do you do when you find yourself in that place?  Sometimes it is easy to just leave, to just gracefully bow out of the event, circumstance or situation.  But most times there is more at stake.  Most times, it is a struggle because some folks want you there and some folks clearly do not.
            Asking some questions usually helps to clarify things.  Do I really perceive this correctly or is it just my imagination?  Is my ego in the way?  Are the folks doing the rejecting justified?  Do the folks who seem to want me there really care whether I leave or whether I stay? Is there an amend I need to make?  Should I just walk away?
            Walking away is the least confrontational and usually the easiest solution.  I remember a wise old sage once saying, “I simply don’t go where I am not wanted.”  Simple enough.  And maybe that’s the best solution.  I'm still working on that.

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