Tuesday, March 1, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: mother earth

            Another earthquake – this time in central Arkansas.  It registered at 4.7 and is the largest earthquake to affect the state in 35 years.  Hitting much closer to home than the larger one in Australia, this one has caught our attention, too.  It was the strongest of more than 800 quakes to strike the area since September of last year.  Researchers are studying whether there's a possible connection to the region's natural gas drilling industry but nevertheless, residents of the area have little control over the quakes.  One said, "It's Mother Earth. It's going to do what it's going to do. All we can do is wait for the big one and hope and pray it doesn't happen."
            Mother Earth is who we blame when we are stricken by a force of nature we can’t control.  We want to control everything.  We want to control the heat and the cold, the rain and the drought, the wind and the calm.  It’s probably one of the last things on earth we can’t control; or it’s one of an immeasurable list depending upon how you look at it.
            I like to think that we are pretty much powerless over everything in our world.  It’s much simpler that way.  If I am powerless, then I can give God the power, which is where it needs to be anyway.  I am not saying that gives us license to just give up.  We have our part to play; our work to do.  But we are powerless over much of our universe and that is where God takes over for us.  There is a God, we’re just not It.

1 comment:

  1. "There is a God, we're just not It."

    Now that is priceless. What a great bumper sticker or newspaper ad idea! Or better yet, maybe my new email signature line!

    Thanks, Nancy!
