Saturday, May 14, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: achilles heel

            Tiger Woods withdrew from the Players Golf Championship today after playing only nine holes, complaining of pain in his left knee and his Achilles tendon.  He said he was having a hard time walking and left the course without completing his round. 
            Achilles heels have been the downfall of other larger than life heroes.  In Greek mythology, Achilles mother Thetis tried to make him immortal by dipping him in the river Styx.  She held him by one heel and as she immersed him, his heel was not touched by the magic water.  So that part of Achilles, his heel, stayed mortal and vulnerable.  Achilles fought heroically against the Trojans but was killed by Paris who hit him with an arrow shot from behind.  Because of this myth, any weak point in a person is called an “Achilles heel.”
            We all have our Achilles heels, those parts of our body, our personality or our soul that are weak and vulnerable to attack or manipulation.  We want to be protected from the harm that could come from our weaknesses.  In some cases, we can protect ourselves; we can lock the door, keep crisp boundaries with other’s emotions and stay grounded in a spiritual program.  But sometimes we are powerless over the weakness that we have.  In those cases, we need a higher power to keep us strong and safe. 
            I like to call that power God. 

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