Are you addicted to your smart phone? I am beginning to wonder if I am. Last evening as I drove to a meeting, I realized that I had forgotten my iphone and was about to race back to the house when it occurred to me that I would only be in the meeting for an hour and that I couldn’t use my phone during that time anyway.
Do you sleep with your phone? OK, I admit that my iphone is always on my bed stand when I retire for the night. But that started long before I got my fancy gadget. I disconnected my land line long ago, so my cell is my only phone in the house. Since I live alone, it makes sense to have it close at night. Also, my phone serves as my alarm clock and I need to shut it off when I wake up.
Do you have clothes for your iphone? Everyone has a case for their phone – it protects it from breakage. But mine is a Coach version. Classy. There are whole kiosks at the mall that sell all varieties of covers. You can get glittery ones covered with rhinestones, cases with school mascots on them, patriotic ones and sleek button-down type ones for the more conservative dresser.
Some people name their smart phone. I have not gotten that far – yet. It seems a little over the top for me. My phone is connected to a sync system in my car, so fortunately I don’t have to hold my phone when I talk in the car. And texting is not done in my vehicle, at least by the driver at the wheel. The whole system is kind of personalized, though, and the thought has occurred to me to name “her” Maggie or Bessie.
There may come a day when I have to go to a meeting and say, “My name is Nancy and I am powerless over my phone.” I wonder if there is a “Smart Phones Anonymous” in my town yet.
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