Tuesday, September 6, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: hunger

            Food is on my mind this morning.  I am going to the lab to get blood work done for a routine doctor’s visit and I have to fast.  So, since about 8 o’clock last night I haven’t had anything to eat.  And I am hungry; which happens rarely.  Food is easily accessible to me and hunger just doesn’t happen.
            But this morning I thought about all the children who will go to school hungry.  Oh, sure, they will have a government sponsored breakfast but it’s not what their moms would feed them when they woke up, that is if their moms could.  I thought about all the elderly who have to choose between paying for medicine and paying for food.
             It seems to me that in a country that is so wealthy and where so much food is wasted, there is no reason why a single person should go hungry.  Yet millions do.  Sure, food stamps help. An interesting development in food stamps is that now many states are considering allowing food stamps to be used in restaurants.  That may seem a little indulgent, but think about all the elderly, disabled and homeless who can’t cook their food.  
            Then there are food pantries which share food brought in by the community.  Our little church has topped the list of givers to the food bank for many months now.  But food banks can only go so far.  The local food banks in our area are sponsoring a “Bridge Bash” later on this month.  The idea is to all line up on the Cotter bridge and pledge support with ourselves and our money. 
            Tell you what, next time we grab a meal or respond to that hunger pang with a snack, let’s all think about those who are hungry.  Then let’s do something about it.

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