Wednesday, September 21, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: netflix

            I got an email letter from Reed Hastings yesterday.  He said he messed up and that he owed me an explanation.  You may know that Reed Hastings is at the helm of Netflix.  Netflix has been an extremely successful company for years.  I use it to order DVDs and have them mailed to my home.  Now they have a process where you can simply stream most movies right into your television.  Pretty sweet.
            The letter was sent to me in apology for not giving a better explanation as to why the company is now charging separately for DVD home delivery and streaming.  I think they rushed into it.  Not all of us have the capability to stream yet and besides, some people might want to have the option.
            That’s what happens when we get ahead of ourselves.  We rush ahead of those who follow and they don’t have time to catch up with us.  Then comes resentment and rebellion.  People in leadership positions do it all the time.  And timing is everything.
            When things are ahead of their time, it is almost as bad as when they are too little too late.  In both cases, failure is the result.  Better to pay attention to the pulse of those we lead and not rush ahead or lag behind. 
            Thanks, Mr. Hastings for the explanation.  It will go a long way to helping us make the transition.  And it’s a good lesson for all of us.

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