Thursday, October 13, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: 9-9-9

            Is Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 tax plan fair?  That’s the headline in the news today.  Basically his plan is an equal tax for three categories: 9% for income tax; 9% for a national sales tax and 9% for a corporate income tax.  Almost nobody likes the idea except Mr. Cain.  Experts argue that it really wouldn’t be fair or helpful – lower income folks who rely on tax credits would lose them and actually the highest income categories would pay less.
            I don’t know about Cain’s tax plan; I suppose it will be debated throughout the campaign.  It doesn’t seem to be all that different that the flat tax plan of a few years ago.  Except for one thing: the 9-9-9 idea has a ring to it and it could be applied to other categories as well.  For example what if our day was more or less divided up into a 9-9-9 system of hours? Of course it would have to be 8-8-8 because we only have 24 hours in the day.  But what if we truly spent 8 hours each day at work, sleep and play?  I doubt that many of us spend more than 8 minutes a day at play.  We are so busy with other “stuff’ that we don’t take time to relax.
            I like the evenness of dividing things in threes.  Like the Trinity, it just seems to work, even though we don’t really understand it.  How about three food groups with nine servings each: dairy, vegetables and proteins?  It seems so much simpler to me.  Could we start the day with 9-9-9?  Nine minutes of stretching exercises, nine minute devotionals and nine minutes of journaling – I admit, its not much time to spend on each of them. But it amounts to about a half hour per day taking care of our physical, emotional and spiritual needs.  That’s probably more than most of us spend now.
            I like the 9-9-9 plan.  I think it might work.

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