Monday, October 3, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: cyber stuff


Today at 2:35 p.m. EST. George Stephanopoulos of ABC news will interview President Obama and viewers are invited to ask questions. What is unusual about this interview is that it will be streamed live on  In other words, you can ask the president questions and he will answer them right on the internet.  Cyber communication is being used more and more by newsmakes as a tool to get the word out about them.  Sure, we all know about texting, skype, iPhones and iPads (which by the way are still red lined on my Microsoft Word program).  But this different, the conversation is with a national figure.

We are bring communion to our shut-ins today.  This means that the people who are not able to make it to church on Sunday are visited and offered the elements from yesterday's service.  We have a long list of those who cannot come.  People who are in nursing homes, assisted living and home bound because of illness are all candidates for this service.  The problem is that we have so many who are in need of communion that we will be hard pressed to get to all of them today.

Bue we will do the best we can.  There is nothing to substitute for receiving the elements together.  Cyber communion is just not an option.  Hopefully, for our church, it never will be.

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