Wednesday, October 19, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: questions

            One of the major online newspapers has a feature today that videos celebrities answering questions.  Recently people like Sting, Kyle Chandler and Elizabeth Olsen have been asked five questions like: What are you afraid of? and What is your guilty pleasure? and so on …
            I was thinking about those questions and wondering what five questions I would ask others if I had the chance to interview them and get to know them better.  What would I ask myself if I wanted to get to know me better?   In journalism there are five questions that a reporter should ask and answer in each story.  They are: Who? What? Where? Why? and When? 
            If I had the chance I would ask you those five questions.  I would ask you: Who is your hero?  I think you can learn a lot about a person by learning who they admire and who they emulate.  Then, What do you believe?  Perhaps the answer would be spiritual but it could be more practical.  Where are you going?  To the store?  To heaven?  Or somewhere in between?  When… When did you grow up?  “Growing up’ can mean physically, spiritually or emotionally.  And last but not least:  Why do you love ______?  (fill in the blank).  As in why do you love your spouse, or why do you love chocolate or  why do you love God?
            Who, What, Where? Why? When?  You can learn a lot about a person by asking a few simple questions.

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