Tuesday, December 13, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: dreidels and dragons

            It’s Christmas School Pageants time.  I guess it is more politically correct to say Holiday programs.  Ambivalent parents all over the country have marked off an evening to proudly video their children and patiently endure the remainder of the program.  I have to say for myself, I showed up for many an elementary school program when my daughter was young and I suspect that grandchildren will take over that tradition someday. 
            Those programs aren’t all bad, though.  When we lived in Austin while I was in seminary, my daughter attended the best elementary school ever.  It was nestled in a neighborhood close to the University of Texas campus, so many of the professor’s and graduate student’s children attended there,  It was a mini United Nations.  Physically the campus was small.  It could hold only about 300 or so children, while the average population of an Austin school was about 600 students at the time.  But, the proud and loyal, not mention long-time school principal fiercely held on to the goal of maintaining the school despite objections by AISD school administration.
            At any rate, they also had the best Christmas program ever.  It commemorated  the holidays of Kwanza, Hanukah,  the Chinese New Year, and Christmas.  The spinning of the Jewish Dreidel was highlighted, as well as the parade of the Chinese dragon.  There was also an interesting twist on the Christmas story.  Being in central Texas, the children enacted the Mexican tradition of Posada which is the story of Joseph and Mary going from inn to inn looking for a place to stay.  No matter what religion, it is an endearing story of a poor family needing a place to lay their head one night.
            I think it is important to teach our kids that there are many ways to celebrate this time of year.  Let’s support our diversity but also honor the generosity and goodwill of the season.  We owe that to our children.

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