Thursday, December 29, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: samoa

                  I have lost a few days of blogs.  Computer problems have plagued me; dismally slow speeds on my ancient computer; frantic efforts to prepare worship services for the Christmas season; and last minute shopping have made it pretty much impossible to stay on top of my blog writing.  Like I say, I lost a few days.
                  We all know what it is like to “lose a day”.  It happens when we are sick and can’t go to work.  We feel like we have lost a day of getting things done.  Traveling can feel that way; it might take a whole day to travel from one place to the next and so it seems like we didn’t have that day to work, play or just relax. 
                  Now Samoa is another story. They are literally losing a whole day at the end of this week.  This Pacific island is changing its time zone.  The country wants to be in sync with the Asian side of time zones instead of the United States side, since they feel they do more business there.  So, in order to change the zone, they have to lose a day and go from Thursday to Saturday which means no TGIF for them.
                  Wonder what will happen to all the people who get paychecks each week?  Will they be docked for a day’s pay?  Will Samoans be charged for a whole month’s rent?  How about utility bills?  Do they receive a discount of one day? 
                  I am not sure how all that will work, but I do know this: cherish today, don’t waste it, don’t lose it because you will never get it back again.

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