Sunday, January 1, 2012

thoughts on the news of the day: more 2012

                Wonder what 2012 will bring?  I’m guessing that for many people it will bring peace, joy, happiness, gratitude and love.  But, unfortunately, for others it will also probably bring a little bit of pain, sorrow, anger, and hate.
                My daughter and I were talking about what it was like in 2000.  I mean, even though it might seem like yesterday to some of us, it actually was 12 years ago!  In 2000, we got our first cell phones.  They were black bulky things with buttons but no screens.  I loved that my daughter and I both now had them.  She played high school athletics, and cell phones meant that she could call me a few minutes before they got back to school on the bus from a game.  I no longer had to wait in the dark parking lot with the other parents, not knowing when the bus would finally arrive. 
                In 2000, we still had a land line in our home.  I look at telephone hook-ups now glaring out from the wall and wonder how to disguise them – strangely, my daughter doesn’t even have them installed in her new home.   Now cable television is almost the same, you have to have a wire in your wall to connect to the screen.  But who would have thought that streaming videos and games would replace the local Blockbusters! 
                2012 will bring new advances, other technology will go away.  But as for peace, joy, happiness, gratitude and love, I am hoping they never become obsolete.

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