Tuesday, May 15, 2012

thoughts on the news of the day: skateboards

            There was an article on the web recently about the new explosion of skateboarding for over-40’s.  The new-old skateboarders seem to thrive on the idea of re-living their youth, and the thrill of basically taking their life in their hands.  I admire those kind of people – the ones who train and discipline their bodies to perform amazing feats.  I know of a man in Oklahoma who is training to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro next month.  He runs up and down the steps of a large football stadium to get in shape for the event.  That should get him ready for the climb ahead, at least I am sure he is hoping it will!
             It makes me wonder, what is worth taking a risk?  How is it that we are inspired to tackle amazing challenges and accomplish them?  Sometimes it’s for the money, sure.  And sometimes it is for the honor, glory or because its just the right thing to do.  But most of the time, at least part of the component is this question:  “Can I do it?” 
            Optimistically, I would like to say that we can do anything we put our minds up to do.  Determination is the probably the primary ingredient in accomplishing a goal.  Well.. there’s also courage, strength, patience, love and self-control.  Come to think of it, those ingredients are pretty much the fruits of the spirit. 
            It reminds me of the questions I was asked at my ordination.  “Can you ….?”  The appropriate response is always, “With God’s help. I can.”  That kind of works in all of life.

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