Sunday, March 20, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: mercy

            War. Invasion. Attack.  Three words we would rather not read.  In fact, three words we would rather not have in our vocabulary.  But nevertheless, they are.  And those words found their way into our news reports yesterday when our country decided to stand up against a tyrannical dictator in Libya who announced he would show no mercy towards his people.
            Justice and mercy are two words that seem to go together.  Justice is about moral rightness and equity.  Mercy is about compassionate or kindly forbearance shown toward an offender, an enemy, or other person in one's power.  Justice is not always fair, but then again neither is mercy.  We need both in large doses to survive in this world. 
            And they are not just grand words for world leaders.  They must be parceled out daily in our own lives.  Do we show justice toward the cashier who accidentally gave us too much change?  Do we show justice toward a coworker who accused us? Do we show mercy toward the driver in front of us who seems to insist on going 20 miles an hour below the speed limit?  Do we show mercy toward our spouse or our child who always insists on being late?
            Myself personally, I would always rather receive mercy than justice. Yes, I want to be treated fairly and with moral rightness.  But I would much rather receive compassion and kindness.  Maybe that’s why we pray not “Lord, have justice on us”; but “Lord, have mercy on us.”

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