Monday, March 21, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: news

            There is plenty of news to choose from today.  Japan is still dealing with earthquake damage; missiles have hit close to Gadhafi’s tent in Libya; oil prices have soared and AT&T bought out T-Mobile.  Then on top of that, there is basketball March Madness to contend with and plenty of celebrities acting out in a variety of ways.
            All that to say, life goes on.  Whether the news is slow or fast and furious, our lives can still be filled with mundane, but nevertheless important things to us.  For example, I have new puppy dog.  She is a precious, lap sized Pomeranian. I haven’t mentioned her but she has pretty much taken over my life.  I recently took her on a trip to see my daughter in Austin and discovered that she is prone to car sickness and is very skittish around men: two big problems to have when traveling. 
            Driving through curvy, hilly mountains in the Ozarks or stop and go traffic on the freeways between Austin and Dallas can be a real challenge.  Stops to clean up messes come frequently and pit stops need to be devoid of any male influence.  It’s strange how the world can be crumbling around you but little things like caring for a small animal can become a top priority.  And I am not sure if that is good or bad – it just is. 
            “It is”, as they say, “what it is.”

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