Tuesday, April 5, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: songs

            You can learn a lot about a person by asking them what their favorite line from their favorite song is:  their age, their culture, their politics, their religion.  Someone I know is starting a t-shirt line that will have designs based upon musical lyrics.  I know, in some ways, it’s not original at all.  We have all seen t-shirts with lines like “let it be” and “hard days night”.  (Am I dating myself by quoting old Beetles tunes?) 
            I have been asking my friends what their favorite line is.  One friend on facebook said, “that that don’t kill me will make me stronger,” which is one of my favorites, too. “Dance by the light of the moon” was mentioned.  Taylor Swift is always good for that kind of thing – “why ya gotta be so mean?” is memorable.  Then there’s Lady Gaga’s: “don’t be a drag, just be a queen.” 
            It would be great to hear from you about what your favorite line from your favorite song is.  I bet there are folks out there who can quote lyrics to the oldies but goodies, like, “if I could put time in a bottle” and “diamonds are a girl’s best friend.” 
            Religious lyrics that have a faith message are always good:  “my God is an awesome God,” and “his eye is on the sparrow and I know he watches me” come to mind.  But I am only tapping the surface of all the lyrics and lines of songs throughout the ages. 
            Do you have a memorable musical line that sticks with you? What is your favorite?  Let me know, you never can tell, you might win free t-shirt!

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