I’ve been wondering about all the status questions on facebook. You know, the ones where it asks what your first car was or the name of your first grade teacher. Has it occurred to anyone beside me that those are the same questions that are used for password security? If I put the name of my pet on the internet, does it make me vulnerable to hackers who are trying to steal my bank account and my identity? Am I being paranoid?
I guess I just don’t like all the invasions of my privacy. Sure, it’s just among “friends” – but still, I have to ask, “Who else is watching?”
Wonder what would happen if we all started making up answers -- like “my first date’s name was Walter Klugenfelter? My best friend in first grade’s name was Adeliene Edepine? My mother’s maiden name is: Satchmo. It might be fun! Or how about a game that asks, “What is your favorite identity question?
These questions are designed to ask things that only you or someone very close to you might know. But if we post them on facebook, then a whole world of people (some of them not very nice) will have access to that information. And that is a pretty scary thought.
I don’t want to be a Debbie Downer, but as for me, I am playing these games and answering these questions very cautiously. Everyone out there just might not be my “friend” after all.
me, too, Nancy! I refused to play the FB games, or answer to FB requests for anything other than "Friends." privacy is big deal. oh, and by the way, my pet's name is "Rock." ha