Thursday, May 5, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: unity

            Happy Cinco de Mayo! May 5 is the day that celebrates Mexican heritage and culture. It commemorates the cause of freedom and democracy during the first years of the American Civil War.   Interestingly enough, the day is virtually ignored in Mexico and is primarily celebrated in the United States. The most important national patriotic holiday in Mexico is September 16, which is their Independence Day. So in some ways you could say that Cinco de Mayo is just another way to sell more tacos and enchiladas, not to mention a marguerita or two. 
            Since bin Laden’s  death, there has been lots of talk about unity in the United States and in the world.  Now might be a good time to examine how our country can stand together.  Perhaps celebrating our diversity is a good start.  We are all children of God, but we come from many different views, cultures and backgrounds.  That is the dichotomy we live with in this country.  For many different reasons, the Mexican culture has become a part of almost every area of our country.  In the southwest, because of its proximity to Mexico, it is most prevalent, but it has begun to influence every region of the nation.  May 5 is a great day to celebrate our brothers and sisters of Mexican heritage. 
            Let’s take today to join hands in unity.  We have overcome a great foe, now let’s overcome our own separateness and celebrate our freedom.

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