Wednesday, May 4, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: what's next?

            Maybe we have said enough about Osama bin Laden.  I had a comment on my blog yesterday that said “why so much to say about an evil man.”  And we certainly have had a lot to say.  First of all, there are all the gory details about the attack and his death.  Debates about whether the body should be offered up for public viewing fill the news.  There are eyewitness reports from relatives that he was killed – isn’t that enough?
            And what about all the commentary on whether we should celebrate his death or not?  Yesterday I reposted a quote attributed to Martin Luther King.  It went like this: “I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy.  Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars.  Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that.  Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”  I assumed it was correct.  Turns out only the second part of the quote was actually written by him.  Still profound words, still by MLK – but the first sentence was actually written by someone else. 
            Maybe we have said enough; maybe it’s time to focus on more positive things.  Evil will always be with us but is it necessary to elevate it by spending so much time and energy on it?  What about the folks who are trying to recover from the tornadoes?  What about Gabriel Giffords, who is still on a long road to recovery from the gunshot wounds of her assailant?  What about Japan? 


  1. Nancy,
    I have a large, framed poster of MLK in my family room with the "Darkness cannot drive out darkness..." quote. Powerful words. Next to it is an equally sized, similarly framed, poster of Mahatma Gandhi, with this quote:

    "An eye for an eye make the whole world blind."

    I struggle with this. How do we hold those who do bad and evil things accountable, yet still uphold the truths that we learn about loving our enemies?

    My wife and I were watching the news and we were both troubled by the overly jubilant celebrations around bin Laden's death, while still trying to keep in mind the incredible hatred and violence he has preached for nearly 20 years. Tough stuff!

    But thank you for your comments!

  2. Dear Eric,
    Thank you for your comments -- and thank you for reading my blog!!
