Saturday, November 5, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: andy rooney

            Andy Rooney is gone; he passed away last night at the age of 92.  Wanting to work until the day he died, he accomplished his goal by doing his last broadcast a month before his end.  I consider him one of my heroes.  He was never afraid to say what he thought even if it wasn’t always popular.  I loved that he was witty and at times even sardonic. 
            Andy began his career at 60 minutes on the July Fourth weekend of 1978.  His first piece was on the sensationalism of reporting car accidents over holiday weekends.  He said that ironically Fourth of July weekend was one of the safest weekends in which to drive a car. 
            I guess the reason why I like Andy Rooney’s writing and commentary is that many times, he said just what I was thinking but didn’t have words to say.  One time he asked the question, “Is there a real Mrs. Smith who bakes Mrs. Smith’s pies?  The answer is that there isn’t. I am not surprised; there is probably not a real Mr. Orvel Reddenbocker either.  And by the way, Andy won an Emmy for that one.
            Lots of times, people don’t really want to hear our opinion.  But that’s usually because it is unbending, unclever, and uninformed.  Andy’s opinions and writing were never like that.  I’m not sure who will take Andy’s place – don’t know if anyone ever could.  He was original and unique.  And he will be missed.

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