Tuesday, November 1, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: candy and costumes

            Today is the day set aside by most Christians as All Saints Day.  It is traditionally the time we celebrate the lives of saints who have gone before us.  There is a debate among churches as to whether saints are only those determined to be in heaven by evidence of miracles, etc.  But most Protestant churches adhere to the “sainthood of all believers” meaning that everyone who practices the teachings of Jesus is a saint.
            When I was growing up in Catholic schools, we celebrated Halloween and All Saints Day back to back because Halloween always came one day before All Saints Day.  We were asked to dress up as Saints.  It seemed to solve the Halloween costume dilemma.  Lots of bathrobes and bed sheets came out of the closets.
            But yesterday I noticed that once again many churches had Halloween parties for children in the community instead of All Saints celebrations.  Oh, sure, they might call them Fall Festivals or Harvest Hoedowns, but let’s face it; they had candy and they were on Halloween so they were Halloween parties.  It is as if the church holiday that is celebrated in today’s world is not All Saints Day, but Halloween.  Now most churches argue that they are keeping the kids safe and off the streets.  But that’s really not true.  I have seen lots of kids and parents say that they came to the party early (or late) because they wanted to get in their trick or treating in too. 
            I am not saying we should get rid of Halloween.  I love all the costumes and candy.  I am just saying I’m confused by the message many churches are giving out; and I think lots of other folks might be too.

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