Sunday, November 27, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: katy

            Turkey Day is over.  The pumpkin pie is decimated; the leftovers are in the refrigerator.  The shoppers have cleaned off the shelves for needy and greedy storekeepers.  Thanksgiving is over.  Is it too late to say “Thank you”?  Is it ever too late to say thank you?
            One of my closest and dearest friends passed away yesterday.  Her funeral is today.  I am sure gonna miss her.  I wish she was still here and I could say thank you to her for all she meant to me.  If I could, I would tell her how grateful I was for her wisdom and her wit.  She always wanted to be cute and funny and most of the time she was.  She had my back and I could always count on her to be there for me.   
            We went through an impossible circumstance together.  It was almost us against the world; but we both survived and came back to ready to fight another day.  None of us probably ever gave her the respect she deserved.  All of the gifts she so generously lavished on us were never really appreciated for the thoughtfulness and love they conveyed.  She made us laugh, and that was fine; but we rarely acknowledged the truths behind what she said to us.
            She was a fine director and actress.  She knew the stage as well as anyone in the business. She would sometimes watch her actors without listening to the words just to figure out if their body language made sense.  And she was great at reading us and knowing when we were just acting in real life.
            Stories were her strong suite.  She had a million of them—stories of her adventures as an English and Drama teacher in tiny, rural public school systems.  She loved to tell about the funny antics of her beloved grandchildren and occasionally had a joke or two about a public official.
            I wish it wasn’t too late to say thank you to my dear friend.  Maybe it’s not.  Maybe I can honor her with my memories of her and try as hard as I can to learn from the many things she taught me.  Katy, thank you for your friendship; you will be missed.  And I promise never again to split my infinitives.

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