Thursday, November 24, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: thanksgiving

            My daughter and I have a somewhat unusual way of celebrating Thanksgiving Day.  We don’t do all the ‘right” things – like go to relatives homes and stuff ourselves with turkey and dressing.  I wish I could say we go to homeless shelters and serve dinner to those who wouldn’t otherwise have one – but we have never gotten organized enough to do that.  And no, we aren’t a deer hunting family where the guys spend the day out in the  woods and the rest of the family stays home and pouts about it.
            For the longest time, we have not been able to be with relatives far away, so we celebrate with each other and friends who are away from family, too.  We have pumpkin pie, and dressing and mashed potatoes – and crescent rolls but we don’t have turkey.  We usually have roast or barbeque or something like that.  My daughter is not a turkey eater and I am not so great a fan, either – so turkey is out and beef is in.  But that’s just us. 
            To me the most important part of Thanksgiving is remembering that we have so many things to be thankful for.  And I could name a long list of things to be grateful for now.  But I encourage you today, to pause for a moment, between football games and shopping lists and thank someone for something.  It will make the day.

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